Origins - Cuju in China. It is little played today except as a minor tourist attraction and on ceremonial occasions, but its vibrant history lives on, especially in relation to the founding myths of the Chinese nation and people. It could be played competitively or cooperatively, in a team or individually, and was often played for purely aesthetic reasons. It was regarded as a metaphor for leading a good life. One side wore green, the other red. The winners, although not recorded by Meng, would have been the team who passed the ball through the goal the most times. They offer a fascinating insight into the wide range of kicks that could be used, as well as the various movements and body postures involved. The 16 categories above were subdivided into even more specific types and patterns. For example, for the knee kick, there were a further 18 kinds of kicks and kick patterns. Women appear to have occasionally played the game informally alongside and against men. Although the oppressive practice of foot-binding for women in this era meant that they could not use their feet to propel the ball, female players employed their hips and probably other parts of the body to demonstrate their skills with the ball. During the Tang dynasty, the game became part of the folk traditions of the Where Does Poker Fall Sport Or A Gamble people and was played during both the Hanshi and Qingming festivals. The populations of the cities of Kaifeng and Hangzhou rose to over a million, a national postal service was put in place, gunpowder and movable-type printing were invented, and education and social welfare programmes were established by the government. Literature, art and science prospered. Emperor Taizu himself was reputed to be a highly talented player and was painted playing the game several times, notably by the artist Su Hanchen, who painted at the imperial art academy from to They also undertook tours in which they would demonstrate their skills in the palaces of the nobility and at public celebrations. There is no evidence that women were allowed to join. The societies also produced instructional manuals that not only explained the techniques of the sport but also promoted it as beneficial for physical and mental health. Their belief that the game helped to build muscles, reduce weight and delay the onset of ageing would not look out of place in a football handbook today. Meng Xian and Lu Bao are two players who achieved national prominence and whose names were recorded for posterity. Such was the level of organisation in the sport that players could only qualify as professionals after passing examinations, in which they had to demonstrate their mastery of the wide variety of kicks without errors. This was not the only way that Where Does Poker Fall Sport Or A Gamble could make a living from their skills. Members of the nobility also retained their own professional players. It dissolves hardened energy and matter — qi — and causes the virtuous heart to become gentle and beautiful. It was likewise said to be a remedy for emaciation and consumption. Those caught playing could pay a heavy penalty: having a foot cut off. Eight or nine years later when Wang was on his way to Hunan, he anchored his boat on Dongting Lake. But aside from unravelling the mechanics of the game, our interest also lies in the culture of a people that allowed ball sports to flourish over such an extended period of time. Extended periods of political stability and economic prosperity saw the game flourish and embed itself into the popular culture of both its rulers and its people, so that even after periods of instability and decline, it was able to re-emerge. Even today, after years in the shadows, its cultural value is once again a source of pride for the Chinese nation and since cuju now even has its own museum.
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