My name is Rialda Spahic and I was a bachelor and master student of Computer science and engineering at the International University of Sarajevo. I have recently started a Ph. D in Engineering Cybernetics related to the industry. My working experience has brought me knowledge in many exciting technologies from flying drones, cloud technology to researching underwater robotics. But my story does not begin there. My interest in computer science began in high school as I was working in a Gaming cafe. I wondered how the games are made and how the code behind them does seem like magic. A lot of different faculties were visiting high schools at that time and it was IUS that made me interested the most. I immediately knew it was the right place - Poker Tournament Master Class Bencb surroundings and a great program offer! The first year was challenging. Mathematics was not my main subject before university. At this stage, many students decide that their choice of studies was wrong and they switch to something else. IUS was advertising to take internships as the faculty of computer science has a program with many IT companies in Sarajevo. I wanted to test myself outside of classes and started applying for internships. I will never forget the evening I was coming back from a class and just sat at the bench and cried my heart out. It was the 36th email I have sent out to companies asking for an internship and got either rejected or ignored. I guess I was just the first year and did not have enough experience. Looking back at it, I would love to go back in time to hug and thank my crying self for not giving up because my adventure has just started. Soon after some more attempts, I got my first internship. Only three days later, I got another one. And of course, I accepted both! At this point, Poker Tournament Master Class Bencb felt encouraged to start going to conferences and workshops organized all around Sarajevo. Many times, I would be the only girl in the audience of many experienced IT men. From there, I moved on my path and became Microsoft Student Partner. This opened a lot of new doors for me. Traveling around Bosnia and Herzegovina and teaching young girls that engineering is for women and encouraging them to follow their dreams in the world full of prejudice and judgment. You wonder how I got time for all of the activities? I sacrificed a lot of my free time and made learning and growing my priority. When one wants something, there is no obstacle on the way. Classes at IUS allowed me to have a flexible schedule and to fit everything that mattered. During these times I was writing my bachelor thesis with my supervisor and she inspired me to pursue my studies further. I applied for a Master program in Computer science and even got a scholarship and work opportunities with IUS! Master study was my favorite year since all subjects were so interesting and research-oriented. There is something special about having your own research topic. Professors introduced me to a whole new world of research and yet again inspired me to continue that kind of work. Living abroad now and speaking a foreign language every day does not feel strange after studying in an international setting.
And of course, I accepted both! Today, BBC videos are amongst the greatest in the world, encompassing a wealth of subjects beyond the realms of our imagination. Come in Vic Viper, we've got a mission for you! We hope you enjoy the interview as much as we did recording it! Designed to take full advantage of the limited time a learner can devote to study, English now!
· 6x Character slots: in a game without classes, use. Let's see if they can keep the momentum going this season! My name is Rialda Spahic and I was a bachelor and master student of Computer science and engineering at the International University of Sarajevo. To unlock the power of Occult Gems, you'll need to master the Headhunt Event: A high-stakes, action-packed activity where you'll hunt. #Chelsea are back to winning ways #PremierLeague Finally! 2s önceYanıtla. Master Upgrade · 4x Plots of land*, you can build yourself multiple homes or a whole castle!VLP is a state-of-the-art digital learning experience that interpolates authentic graded ELT videos into your lessons. Soon after some more attempts, I got my first internship. Only three days later, I got another one. At this stage, many students decide that their choice of studies was wrong and they switch to something else. We talk to Jay about his background with assembly language programming on the Commodore 64, the influences behind Galencia, and get a bit of an inside look into his work so far. All this, and a lot more For this episode, we're talking to Jay - aka PC Baker - who is behind the upcoming Commodore 64 arcade shooter Galencia! Living abroad now and speaking a foreign language every day does not feel strange after studying in an international setting. This month we're taking a look at the year that was , and what some of our favourite Vintage Computer pick ups were. With the demand for digital video in the classroom dramatically growing across all disciplines from arts to science, literature to world languages, history to economics , access to such a vast library of premium resources becomes invaluable. In addition we debrief a bit more from PAX Australia, check out what games we've been playing and talk over some news items that caught our eye. This episode Aaron is joined by Marc from the Game the System Podcast to talk up how to start keeping up with the Commodore 64 as if you aren't already! There's going to be something for everyone this year, so listen in and be tempted! It's the age of Aquarius! The Orange Box and another not so "retro" title Many times, I would be the only girl in the audience of many experienced IT men. Graded Authentic Science Videos. In this episode Jay Aldred drops by for a catch up to talk about his games, both past and future. Welcome to the mile rally! With materials specially tailored towards the needs of the target demographic, users are offered the ultimate online learning experience. I immediately knew it was the right place - international surroundings and a great program offer! For over 70 years, BBC content has entertained and educated, informed and inspired. International University of Sarajevo. Listen in to find out how you can win a copy, then head over to our website to enter! My main advice is to stay curious and never stop learning more! It all helps! Designed to take full advantage of the limited time a learner can devote to study, English now! And to celebrate our return, we've got three digital download copies of Galencia for the C64 to give away. Graded E-books Everyone loves stories and our collection of graded readers encourages reading for pleasure. NSoft company from Mostar visited our university. Looking back at it, I would love to go back in time to hug and thank my crying self for not giving up because my adventure has just started. Come in Vic Viper, we've got a mission for you!