Revisionist History is Malcolm Gladwell's journey through the overlooked and the misunderstood. Every episode re-examines something from the past—an event, a person, an idea, even a song—and asks whether we got it right the first time. From Pushkin Industries. Because sometimes the past deserves a second chance. All about bank robbers and doctors. Find Revenge of the Tipping Point wherever you get audiobooks. See omnystudio. Business leaders. Rich people accused of paying millions of dollars to get their children into elite universities. The Department of Justice was successful in all but one case: U. What exactly constitutes a bribe? The Georgetown Massacre continues, and the defense calls a surprise witness. Now, 25 years later, he goes back and audits his chapter on crime. Did he get it right? How is 5G powering the use of AI to revolutionize life-saving solutions? Azizi Seixas to find out in this special episode of Revisionist History. In the s, a right-wing organization led Malcolm Gladwell Blink Poker a former candy tycoon Malcolm Gladwell Blink Poker to fame in America for their anti-communist campaigns. They called themselves the John Birch Society. Then, they tried to take over the Parent-Teacher Association. This week, what the battle between the two organizations tells us about the fate of American politics, and the history of your Halloween candy. What happens when the biggest movie star in the world directs the smallest Christmas film on basic cable? A holiday miracle. Then, a preview of Against the Rules season 4, which is legal in New Jersey listen to find out whyor wherever you get your podcasts. Here's an episode from a podcast that you may enjoy. Presenting Gone South. This episode looks at the life and legacy of Buford Pusser, an iconic American law enforcement figure. But recent revelations are turning Pusser's legacy on its head. Gone South, an Audacy original podcast, is available now on the free Audacy app and wherever you get your podcasts. Then, a preview of How to Trust and Be Trusted, which is available on Malcolm Gladwell Blink Poker, Audible or wherever you get your audiobooks. Adolf Hitler swept to power in Germany in the early s and soon set out to stage the most extravagant and spectacular summer Olympics yet: the Berlin Games. And countries around the world dutifully put together their teams and made the trip to Germany. A couple of American construction moguls. A legendary triple-jumper. And one discerning journalist. Heroes and villains. The clear-eyed and the deluded. Subscribe to Pushkin Plus now to hear the first five episodes on launch day, or listen for new episodes every Thursday for the next nine weeks. Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.
Sezon, 1. Especially in season 6. Watch the show and you see people caving in to fear about low prize amounts, pleas from family to do one thing or another, and emotional assurances from the host. By the way, for those of you who would like to hear a surprisingly different take on the crash of United Airlines , it's worth viewing disc 3 of Errol Morris' First Person series. The activity of dopamine neurons demonstrates that feelings are simply reflections of hard wired animal instincts.
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Blink The Power of Thinking Malcolm Gladwell. This is a charming book that illuminates the most useful and fascinating findings of decades worth of research on social psychology. Hertenstein covers all. Blink The Power of Thinking Without Thinking PB. İnce Kapak. (2). With Blink, The Tipping Point, and Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell has cornered the market on popular studies of human behavior. ,00 TL. Penguin Books Yurt Dışından. A New York Times bestseller • A New York Times Notable Book “The tale of how Konnikova followed a story about poker players and wound up becoming a story. But Jonah Lehrer's How We Decide.However, I find it attractive and very informative and helpful to understand and know how people think. The text was laced with biased, unproven-scientific rhetoric that I felt detracted from the arguments that could have been quite interesting if portrayed in a more approchable way. The substrate of reason is so limited that a few extra digits can become an extreme handicap. Sezon 6. When I talk biology, I tend to gravitate toward the more abstract areas: genetics, evolutionary biology, and of course, neuroscience—once you get down to the microscopic or molecular levels, the squick factor is considerably reduced. Bookmarks Magazine. Morality is nothing but a series of choices about how we treat other people. Every time you make a mistake or encounter something new, your brain cells are busy changing themselves. One of his quotes, interestingly enough, is from Jane Austen: "Seldom, very seldom, does complete truth belong to any human disclosure; seldom can it happen that something is not a little disguised or a little mistaken. There's a wealth of information here that is useful as well as enlightening. Damasio wondered if the emotions play a greater part in decision making than we generally give them credit for. Olivier Goetgeluck. It is the undiscovered country of biology: how does consciousness work? The anchoring effect is about the brain's spectacular inability to dismiss irrelevant information. The prefrontal cortex is also capable of coming up with unique and creative solutions or flashes of insight, which feel more instinctual or emotion based, but is an elegant synthesis of the two. They ignore the wisdom of their emotions - the knowledge embedded in their dopamine neurons - and start reaching for things that they can't explain. Or at least, we should. Kullanıcı adını ya da e-posta adresini gir. The basic message though is simple: the key thing is to think about when making a decision is how you are thinking. I read about 2 chapters and had to turn the book off I was listening on my commute. The more time the beginner spends thinking about the putt, the more likely he is to sink the ball in the hole. In my recent review of The Grand Design I went on about my love of science, particularly of physics. Decisions about real life, and hard choices? Author 9 books 3 followers. Only humans and great apes have spindle neurons. Judyta Szacillo. This is one of the most entertaining "pop-psychology" books that I've read. Sezon Tightly tightly written and entertaining, How We Decide is intended more for general audiences than academics, who might find its descriptions and explanations too basic to help in their professional work. These retail tactics lull the brian into buying more things, since the insula is pacified. It does tell us something about how people will interpret unexplained series of numbers, but also tells us something about how some scientists will oversimplify human behavior. The series will air weekly, starting Thursday, August 31st. This book is an easy, fun read; highly recommended. Jonah Lehrer 11 books followers. Does not commit the cardinal sin of listing many case studies and then drawing conclusions; instead Lehrer helps make neurobiology and scientific studies accessible by explaining the study and then giving a case study in action. What happened?